

$ pip install ethereum-accounts

Account creation

>>> from eth_accounts import Account
>>> account = Account.from_private_key('0xff')
>>> with open('tests/testdata/pbkdf2_keystore_template.json') as f:
...     another_account = Account.from_keystore(f, b'password')
>>> third_account = Account.new()  # with random private key
>>> account.private_key
>>> account.address

Message signing

>>> from eth_accounts import prepare_ethereum_message, recover_signer
>>> message = prepare_ethereum_message(b'Do it.')
>>> signature = account.sign_message(message)
>>> recover_signer(signature, message)
>>> account.is_signer(signature, message)

Web3 integration

>>> from web3 import Web3
>>> web3 = Web3(Web3.RPCProvider())
>>> web3.add_middleware(account.local_signing_middleware)
>>> web3.eth.sendTransaction({
...     'from': account.address,
...     'to': another_account.address,
...     'value': 100
... })  # will be signed locally and subsequently sent to the node