Keystore ExportΒΆ

Exporting accounts to keystore files is possible via the Account.to_keystore() method:

>>> with open('keystore.json', 'w') as keystore_file:
...     account.to_keystore(keystore_file, b'password')

Instead of writing the keystore to a file, it can also be returned in form of a dictionary:

>>> d = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password')

Both methods allow extensive customization of the result. Most importantly, the key derivation function (KDF) can be specified. Currently, PBKDF2 and scrypt are supported:

>>> pbkdf2_keystore = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password', kdf='pbkdf2')
>>> scrypt_keystore = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password', kdf='scrypt')

Typically, the KDF have to be parametrized. Sensible defaults are chosen, but those can individually be overridden if desired:

>>> pbkdf2_keystore = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password', kdf='pbkdf2',
...                                            kdf_params={'salt': '0xff'})

The same applies to the cipher, but here only the canonical 'aes-128-ctr' is supported:

>>> keystore = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password', cipher='aes-128-ctr',
...                                     cipher_params={'iv': '0xff'})


The security of the keystore depends on both KDF salt and cipher IV being random (which they are by default). Don’t override those or any other parameters unless you know what you are doing.

Exposure of the address can be prevented by setting expose_address to False:

>>> keystore = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password', expose_address=False)
>>> assert account.from_keystore(keystore, b'password').exposed_account is None

Finally, the keystore’s ID can be customized. By default (uuid=True) a random UUID will be generated. To use a custom value, pass it as the argument. Setting it to False or None will result in no ID appearing in the keystore.

>>> keystore = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password', uuid=None)
>>> assert account.from_keystore(keystore, b'password').uuid is None
>>> keystore = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password', uuid='some-random-id')
>>> assert account.from_keystore(keystore, b'password').uuid == 'some-random-id'


Importing an account from a keystore file and exporting it again will by default lead to keystores with different IDs. If this is not desired, make it explicit:

>>> keystore = account.to_keystore_dict(b'password', uuid=account.uuid)