Account CreationΒΆ

Accounts are represented by the Account class. They are always based on a private key, that can either be given explicitly, extracted from a keystore file or generated randomly. Accordingly, three methods are available to create account objects:

>>> from eth_accounts import Account
>>> account = Account.from_private_key('0xff')
>>> with open('tests/testdata/pbkdf2_keystore_template.json') as keystore_file:
...     another_account = Account.from_keystore(keystore_file, b'password')
>>> third_account =

After initialization, the private key as well as the inferred public key and address are accessible via properties:

>>> account.private_key
>>> account.public_key
>>> account.address

Note that all output is hex encoded and the address EIP55 checksummed.

Accounts that have been imported from keystores, have two additional properties: The address found in the keystore in plain text (which usually but not necessarily is the same as the actual address) and an identifier:

>>> account.exposed_address

If those are not available, they fall back to None.